Before I go any further. For reading purposes. Aceh is pronounced: “AH-chay” I wanted to see more of Banda Aceh so on my final morning in Aceh I rented a motorcycle and after eating a quick breakfast I made the 17k trip into the city center. I was armed with only a simple tourist map… Continue reading
Tag: banda aceh
Pulau Weh
Photos of Pulau Weh can be found on my facebook fan page. You can view them by pressing “like” on the left hand side of this page and becoming a member of Joey Goes Global on Facebook. Last week I left Medan for the northern province of Aceh with the intent of spending a few… Continue reading
In search of one last Adventure
I’m back home in Medan after spending a few nights visiting friends and “family” from the village I spent two month volunteering in. I am 3 days from my 31st birthday and trying to figure out the best way to celebrate it. Aside from my one month TEFL certification and two month teaching in Bukit… Continue reading