This is a video created for an assignment in my Internet in Education course at the University of South Florida. This is meant as a sample of what it might look like to create video modules for a hypothetical online course for Indonesian students wanting to learn English. This is not a real online course.
Category: teaching
Survival (teaching the infinitive)
I absolutely love this lesson because it is a great way to get students working together and having fun while getting the hang of an important grammar point. The infinitive form of verbs. to + verb to cut, to start, to help, to protect etc. I also like this lesson because it’s easily adaptable to… Continue reading
ESL Activity: Superlative Olympics
Objective: This is a great activity to get the students engaged through interaction and competition. Let’s face it, there is very little interesting about grammar so I’m always trying to figure out a way to get them to understand the topic with out realizing they are learning. It’s called the Superlative Olympics but you can… Continue reading
A look back on 2011 and ahead to 2012
The last couple of years have been some of the best of my life so far. 2010 saw the completion of my BA from University, my 30th birthday and the breaking free of a job I didn’t like but kept at for the entire decade. I managed to complete my degree in the amount of… Continue reading
ESL Game: Scattergories
This is one of my favorite games from back home. If it is fun for 20 and 30 somethings to do on a Friday night it’s sure to hold the interest of ESL students. I’m still trying to find ways to make a variant of the game myself but the version I play in the… Continue reading
Halloween activity for ESL classrooms
The Horror: Scary Movie Night Halloween is my first major holiday as an ESL teacher. The student’s knowledge of the holiday is limited as Indonesia doesn’t celebrate it and only English language schools hold any sort of activity for the holiday. My school did a horror movie night for the students. I was quite surprised… Continue reading
ESL Introduction Activity for New Teachers
This is an activity I found online and just tweaked it for my own liking. It’s generally called “10 Things.” On your first day of classes when you are the new teacher or you have new students coming in who don’t know you yet this is a good way to start things off. 10 Things… Continue reading
Day 1 of Teaching is Over
So, my first full day of teaching English as a foreign language is over. It was an interesting start. The morning class is for the staff here at the clinic. Ive already been hanging out here a lot and chatting with them so I knew who my students were going to be. The only new… Continue reading
Back in the Muslim World
This is another refreshing feeling. I have no words to explain it but I find myself gravitating towards the Muslim world for some reason. Not because I am doing any sort of spiritual transformation into Islam, but instead there is an attraction to it that I can’t fully explain. My experience with Islam and traveling… Continue reading
Living in Sumatra
Time to Freak Out I considered waiting to write until after things got better because I know they will. However, It would be more interesting to go back and look at how unnecessarily worried I was. In short, this is going to be long two months in Sumatra. I’m not so concerned that it won’t… Continue reading